Hilmar all year round

Hilmar Scena (previously FolkJazzScena in Nord-Trøndelag – FiNT) - is a collaborative project between the Levanger jazz club and the Hilmar festival, which has set itself the goal of giving the public in the Trøndelag region good quality and professional folk music and jazz concerts.


This is a stage for professional music, locally, nationally and internationally, for local and national musicians who are on the verge of becoming professional. We look broadly at the genres and have great variety in the concerts.


Concerts are played in Oppdal, Levanger, Steinkjer, Namsos through a variety of different locations to suit the artists and the public.

We offer seasonal subscriptions for kr. 750, -.

If you want to investigate the possibility of offers for concert tickets, send an email to terje@hilmarfestivalen.no


FiNT is also on facebook, please follow us there!


21. feb - 15:30
Rørosmuseet Smelthytta