Frukostmøte: Storytelling in business
Hege Merakerås
Svend-Erik Engh
Svend-Erik Engh is a Danish storyteller now living in Edinburgh.
He has been telling stories professionally and teaching the art of storytelling for more than 25 years.
Svend Erik joins us digitally from Edinburgh. – He will among other things, tell us about his work with Steve Denning (former Program Director, Knowledge Management, World Bank). This work is focused on how to tell a story which creates possibilities for the future, a ‘Springboard Story’.
Svend-Erik will also introduce some of his own work and give you tools to listen and find the I – WE – FUTURE elements in the story. (more on
hjemmeside: Linkedin: https://www.
Samarbeidspartnere: Fortellernettverket TALE, Visit Innherred, Tindved Kulturhage og Steinkjer Næringsforum